Critical Care Test Prep You Can Trust
Prep for the FP-C, CCP-C, and CFRN exams. Take the next step in your EMS career today!
Content Overview
Our Content
Our content builds on the foundation of a strong ALS/BLS curriculum and further breaks down the Critical Care concepts you need to know for the test and the field
Our Lessons
Each lesson is broken down from our accredited courses found on Review everything or just the content you need to strengthen your weak areas.
Our Curriculum
Our content is broken down into focus areas, categories, and hyper-specific topics to identify your weak areas and expose where you need to spend your study time.
Preparation Is Key
Work through our content on your schedule. Select from a variety of different ways to study. Pick what works best for you.
Quiz Questions
Our Subject Matter Experts build questions to both challenge you and provide valuable feedback.

Each stack of flashcards is developed to complement the categories and topics you need to know for test day.

Lessons, lectures, and animations pre-recorded so you can learn what you need most on your schedule.

...we have something for type of learner
Meet Our Instructors
Career healthcare professionals and educators make up the core of our SME group

Dan Livengood

Holly Ilg

Bruce Shade

Sean Davis

Ramsey Selbak
EMTPrep really calmed my nerves before going into the NREMT exam. The whole platform is awesome!

Eleanor Pena
EMT 2023
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